In 2024 – AI seems human – is it?

First off, AI doesn’t have feelings. When your AI assistant suggests a playlist or recommends a book, it’s not because it feels you might enjoy them. It’s just crunching numbers, analysing data, and making predictions based on patterns. There’s no emotional engagement or personal touch involved. It’s like a sophisticated formula, not a friend who knows your taste.

Next, AI doesn’t have thoughts. Our brains can think, reason, and reflect. We can dream up new ideas, change our minds, and understand abstract concepts. AI, on the other hand, works on algorithms and data input. It doesn’t think; it processes. It’s a bit like a very advanced autopilot—excellent at navigating specific tasks but without any comprehension of the journey.

Lastly, AI lacks awareness. Awareness means being conscious of yourself and your environment. Humans know when they’re happy, sad, or hungry, and they can perceive the world around them. AI doesn’t have this self-awareness or consciousness. It doesn’t know it exists. It runs programs and executes commands without any understanding of what it’s doing or why.

In essence, AI is a tool—a remarkably powerful one—but it’s not a mind. It can help us in countless ways by handling repetitive tasks, analysing vast amounts of data, and even providing insights based on patterns it detects. However, it’s humans who bring creativity, empathy, and judgement to the table. AI augments our capabilities, making us more efficient and effective, but it doesn’t replace our unique human qualities.

So, the next time someone worries about AI taking over, just remember: it’s like a very smart assistant without the capacity for feelings, thoughts, or awareness. It’s here to help, not to become the boss.